Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Start your own Ripple

All you need to do is follow the link below and you'll get invited into this pre-launch circle.

After 3 weeks, we've got over 500,000 people in the ripples. It took Facebook almost 9 months to get to 1 million. Where do you think we'll be (you and me and the rest of us) in 8 more months?

Use this invite code to get in: NTVUPS2N

What's this about? Here's an idea: http://tomsrippln.blogspot.com/2013/05/how-big-ripple-can-you-make-in-world.html

Join our Google Hangout each day

Every day we have a Google Hangout so you can learn more about Rippln - the new social network that is taking the world by storm.

It's free to watch and you can get started there too.

An app that Rewards You!

Rippln is starting a world wide movement to create a mobile app that will reward people for     the value they create in the market place. It will make social engagement more rewarding.  

So what does that mean? Did your learn about Instagram and then tell friends about it? And then when Facebook bought them for a billion dollars did you get a portion of that for all the people you sent to Instagram? NO? Neither did I nor anyone else you know.

So let's change that and create an app that rewards the people who helped build the market - like you and me - every time one of the people we invited into the network buys something. As of mid May 2013, Rippln is growing faster than Facebook did at the beginning. It took FB 9 months to hit 1 million users; Rippln is at 500,000 in about 3 weeks!

Now imagine another scenario: there is a worthy cause out there that someone in the Rippln network wants to support. Imagine how much crowdfunding could come out of a network of millions of dedicated users?

Do we want to make money from this? Oh, yes we do. But, there is more and the world is ready for more. Let's get creative and bring it!

This is all you have to do. You can check it out here: www.startmyripple.com
Use this invite code to get in: NTVUPS2N 

And start your own ripple out into the world!

Rippln to Make a Difference

How big a ripple can you make in the world?

HUGE! if you have the right platform!

Tom's Rippln

If you'd like to be a part of something bigger than you are that can make a difference in the world, you can check it out here: www.startmyripple.com
Use this invite code to get in: NTVUPS2N   Or first you can come to one of our Google Hangouts and check us out some more: http://www.thetsunamiproject.com/hangout/724

Talk to you soon! Let's start Rippln!